Friday 20 February 2015


Why are we doing this? The first question most people ask when we tell them about what we plan. Why run? The question every runner is asked by a none runner.

All great/stupid ideas come as a result of beer or when out a run. After my morning run I jumped on Facebook and sent one simple message:
"Tell me if its daft... The (Gore-Tex) Scottish National Trail has recently been established, its 864km from Cape Wrath to Kirk Yetholm. As far as I can see no one has run it yet, always wanted to be the first to do something..."
Hendrik replies 
"If you are thinking May, I might be intrigued..."

The seed had been planted, there was no backing out! We discussed the plan on a long run and began putting the cogs in motion. 

Why run 864KM for fun?

1) I love to run! This is the main reason. Running fast, running slow, running short, running long, running hills... you get the idea. Most of all I love running long, in new places, seeing new things and covering new ground. For me it is the perfect way to explore our natural world. Stripped back to the essentials of life, away from modern stresses, you can truly appreciate the beauty of the world and the sport. 

2) Ambition. Like most people I set goals, each goal is not an end but a rung on an infinite ladder. When I "achieve" I am not content, always feeling I can do better and should have done better I will create new goals further up the ladder. This challenge is hopefully just another rung on the ladder. I am inspired by the great ultra-runners and adventures of others. I know I will never be as good as the likes of Killian and Scott Jurek but I want to set my own goals and write my own story. 

3) Challenge. I love a challenge, I like to set the rung just beyond what I think I can do. People telling me its not possible just pushes me further. Nothing is achieved without sacrifice, without pain and without perseverance. By taking the easy road we are content, by taking the hard road we are pushing to better ourselves and will be stronger for it. Whether its running, studying or work; it doesn't begin until the pain sets in! only by pushing through this can we grow and reach our potential. 

4) Why Not? We are young and probably have more free time now than we will have in the foreseeable future, no time like the present. When running and struggling I ask myself one question "what would you rather be doing right now?", there is never an answer, I may as well just keep on running! 

This challenge gives us the opportunity to explore some of Scotland's most stunning landscapes by the sport we love. It will push us further than ever before and help us discover our physical and mental limits. We hope this can be the first of many epic running adventures. 

If any readers want to offer any help, advice and support please contact us via the contact form at the bottom of the page. It would be great to have some runners join us on the way. 

This Blog will have all the info on the challenge as our plans develop, we will post regular updates, training notes, kit reviews and race reports on our journey towards running the longest trail in Scotland. 

